Q envelope theorem이 과점시장(duopoly) 분석에서도 적용되나요?

경제 | 경영 envelope theorem, 과점시장, duopoly, microeconomics,comparative-static analysis, comparative statics

미시경제학에서 comparative-static analysis를 할 때 shortcut으로 사용되는 envelope theorem이 과점시장(duopoly) 분석에서도 적용되나요?

*comparative-static analysis: comparison of different equilibrium states that are associated with different sets of values of parameters and exogenous variables.
- Chiang A. (1984). Fundamental methods of mathematical economics, McGraw-Hill.

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A: envelope theorem은 과점시장(duopoly) 분석에서는 적용되지 않습니다.